Now with graphics!

As a first step in expanding this little game into a larger narrative, I've integrated the Ink script into Unity and added a graphical interface. Yes, I drew those graphics myself! Obviously, I'll need to bring on an actual artist at some point. LOL

While exploring the market, you can now click on the vendor stalls, the sidewalks, Ruby's car, and other things to interact instead of using text/buttons. In a future update, I'm planning to add the option to bring up text choices to keep the game accessible. Dialogue choices are still buttons.

I made a few minor tweaks to the Ink. Ruby stays at a character's stall until you click "Never mind" to return to the map area, and this doesn't cost a turn. I added a turn or two to the sunburn counter but it's still tough to avoid (realism!). I also made Ruby's car a separate interactable object within the parking lot map area--this worked much better for a graphical interface. You now click on the car if you want to rest or give up (or leave, once you have that option).

I'm not planning too many more updates to the game as it is. An updated farmers market scenario will probably end up being the first vertical slice of a larger Redbud Falls experience, but there's a lot of work to do to get there.


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The graphics are definitely helpful and a welcome addition. I played the game before the update and got a little lost in what was going on. One minor criticism, if I may, I feel like I am getting stuck in loops, for example with the alley cat girl. I think if you are returning to a character or stall, then it needs something to show you have been there and done that.  Look forward to the next update.  

Thanks for checking out the game, and I completely agree with your observation. It's definitely something I'll keep in mind as I continue refining the game.